A permanent home and family for one of our breeding males or females. The home will receive a pick of the litter puppy to add to our breeding program. This will be a puppy that conforms to our breeding standards of health, temperament, bloodlines, and coat. All dogs need and deserve the love and attention that a forever family can bring, and the Guardian home will be that forever family, while breeding rights are retained by Lovey’s Miniature Schnauzers for a pre-determined length of time. Your dog will come back to us for breeding. If you have a female, she will also come back for birthing and raising puppies.
A deposit of $500 is required. At the end of the dog’s designated breeding time, Lovey’s Miniature Schnauzers will pay to have your dog spayed or neutered and your deposit will be returned.
What age do you start breeding a dog?
How long are they with you when they breed/mate?
How long are dogs pregnant?
They are pregnant for about 9 weeks.
How long do they stay with you when they have their litter?
About 1 week before they’re due they’ll come stay with us until puppies are 8 weeks old. This helps your dog become comfortable with us again so they can feel safe whelping their puppies.
How long does the Guardian Contract last for?
We contract for 5 pregnancies with a female dog. We may not use them all and may choose to do less. The health and well-being of the dog is our primary concern.
For a male dog we contract until they are 5 years old.
What expenses does the guardian home family incur?
Guardian homes are responsible for all the typical expenses that occur with pet ownership. This includes but isn’t limited to: Food, vaccines, illness, kennels, leashes, wellness visits, dog training courses, etc.
What expenses does the breeder incur?
We cover the cost of the initial purchase of the dog, all costs relating to breeding and litters, and the final spay or neuter of the dog, which happens before transferring complete ownership to the guardian family.
Apply to become a Guardian Home.
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